
Catch Us Live: Gig Schedule for 2024

Upcoming Gig Schedule 2024


    Our diary is full! Thank you to all the venues that have faith in us!

  • Jun 22 Poole Hill Brewery
  • Jun 29 Marnhull Legion
  • Jul 6 Inn On The Furlong 
  • Jul 20 Christchurch Festival 3-3:45
  • Jul 20 The Lord Nelson 9:30
  • Jul 25 Smoke On The Water - 7:15 - 10:15
  • Jul 26 The Newtown
  • Aug 3 S Bomb - (Private Party)
  • Aug 9 Monmouth Ash Beer Festival
  • Aug 10 Private Party
  • Aug 24 Central Bar
  • Aug 30 Nomads 50th Anniversary party at Bluebirds Social Club
  • Aug 31 The Thomas Tripp
  • Sep 7 Inn On The Furlong 
  • Sep 20 Doc Bike Rally, Bere Regis
  • Sep 21 The Lord Nelson
  • Sep 28 The Walker Arms
  • Oct 25 The Olive Branch
  • Nov 16 Poole Hill Brewery
  • Dec 31 The Goat & Tricycle New Year's Eve Party
The Wonky Donkeys
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